Guide for Authors

Important note: before submitting the article, the authors will prepare a copy of the letter of commitment (signed letter of commitment) and their scientific resume and send it along with the paper. Articles without letter of commitment and CV will not be reviewed. Click here to get the commitment letter.


A.   Terms of compilation and submission of articles


Adhere to scientific structure (title, abstract, introduction, problem statement and necessity, question or hypothesis, method, research findings and detailed discussions, conclusions and suggestions, list of resources in alphabetical order).

Abstracts of the paper can be made up to 150 to 200 words in Persian and English.

The abstract should contain the purpose, method and results of the research.

Key words (max. 7 words) and be presented at the end of the abstract in Persian and English.

The article has not been published yet and is not currently being submitted for publication in other journals.

The title of the article and the name of the author or authors in Persian and English along with the scientific rank, place of employment, full address, telephone, fax and e-mail address should be written in a separate page of the original text.

Descriptions and equivalents of scientific words and terms in other languages are included in the footnote with numbers.

Article file maximum of 7500 words, typed in Word sent through the journal portal.



B. The method of referencing resources in the text and the end of the article:


The reference to resources is in the form of in-text Citation (APA); for example (Motahhari, 1375, p. 71).

If the translated text is used, the specification (name of the author, year of translation, page number) is included.

The list of resources at the end of the article is set as follows:

Family name, name (year of publication), book title, editor(s) or interpreter(s), place of publication: publisher name.

Surname, name (year of publication), title of the article, title of the journal, period, number, pages of the first and the end of the article.



C. Hints


The opinions contained in the journal do not necessarily represent the opinions of the journal's officials.

Authors are responsible for the content of articles.

The journal is free to edit and publish.

Journals' content is permitted by mentioning the sources noted.

Copyright and Permissions


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 International License.



Accepted Articles


The ISRI publishes articles in various fields of the humanities. The articles that are published are all scientific, based on research and scholarly work, and of high quality. Qualitative and quantitative research papers are all acceptable. The important thing to bear in mind is that each paper must be innovative in its relevant field and make a contribution to the research in that specific field of study.



Text Citations


All references in the text and notes must be specified by the authors’ last names and date of publication together with page numbers for direct quotations from print sources.

Do not use ibid, op. cit., infra, supra.

Note the following for the style of text citations:

1. If the author’s name is in the text, follow with year in parentheses:

... Author Last Name (year) has argued...

2. If author’s name is not in the text, insert last name, comma and year:

... Several works (Author Last Name, year) have described...

3. For direct quotations, the page number follows the year, preceded by ‘p.’ (not a colon(:

... It has been noted (Author Last Name, year, p. XXX) that...

4. Where there are two authors, always cite both names, joined by ‘and’ if within running text and outside of parentheses; joined by an ampersand (&) if within parenthetical material, in tables and in captions, and in the reference list:

… Author Last Name and Author Last Name stated that…

... It has been stated (Author Last Name & Author Last Name, year)...

5. When a work has three, four, or five authors, cite all authors the first time the citation occurs; in subsequent citations, include only the surname of the first author followed by ‘et al.’ (not italicized and with a period after ‘al’) and the year if it is the first citation of the reference within a paragraph:

… Author Last Name, Author Last Name, Author Last Name, and Author Last Name (year) found that… [Use as first citation in text.] [Use ampersand if within parentheses.]

... Author Last Name et al. (year) found that [Use as subsequent citation thereafter.]

6. When a work has six or more authors, cite only the surname of the first author followed by ‘et al.’ (not italicized and followed by a period after ‘al’) and the year for the first and subsequent citations. 

In the reference list, however, provide the surnames and initials for up to and including the first seven authors. When authors number eight or more, include the first six authors’ names, then insert three ellipses and then add the last author’s name, for example:

Shackley, H., Powell, J., Leeming, K., Read, A., Goggins, A., Westwood, K., ... Ray, D. R. (2010). Article title. Journal20, 220−260.

7. If two references with six or more authors shorten to the same form, cite the surnames of the first authors and of as many of the subsequent authors as necessary to distinguish the two references, followed by a comma and ‘et al.’

For example:

If you have entries for the following references:

… Smith, Jones, Clark, Kumar, Green, and Goggins (2000)

… Smith, Jones, Miller, Green, Powell, and Goggins (2000)

In the text you would cite them, respectively, as:

… Smith, Jones, Clark, et al. (2000) and Smith, Jones, Miller, et al. (2000) 

8. If two or more references by the same author are cited together, separate the dates with a comma (in chronological order):

... The author has stated this in several studies (Author Last Name, 2001, 2002, 2006)...

9. If there is more than one reference to the same author (or by the same two or more authors in the same order) and year, insert the suffixes ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, etc. after the year of publication and repeat the year. The suffixes are assigned in the reference list, where these kinds of references are ordered alphabetically by title (of the article, chapter, or complete work):

 ... It was described (Author Last Name, 2000a, 2000b, 2000c)...

10. List two or more works by different authors who are cited within the same parentheses in alphabetical order by the first author’s surname, separated by semicolons:

 ... And it has been noted (Clark, 2001; Miller, 2001)...

Exception: You may separate a major citation from other citations within parentheses by inserting a phrase, such as ‘see also’ before the first of the remaining citations, which should be in alphabetical order:

 ... (Miller, 2001; see also Clark, 2000; Smith, 2000)...

 11. When names of groups (e.g. government agencies, universities, etc.) serve as authors, these are usually spelled out each time they appear in a text citation. However, some group authors can be spelled out in the first citation and abbreviated thereafter:

 First text citation:

... (National Institute of Mental Health [NIMH], 2000)...

Subsequent text citation:

... (NIMH, 2000)...

 12. When a work has no author as such, cite in the text the first few words of the reference list entry (usually the title) and the year. Use double quotation marks around the title of an article or chapter or web page and italicize the title of a journal, book, etc.:

 ... It was stated (“Title of publication”, year) that...

 13. Citations from personal communications are not included in the reference list; cite in text only, giving the initials as well as the surname of the communicator and provide as exact a date as possible:

 ... (Initial and Last Name of Person, personal communication, April 28, 2000).

Reference List


A. General


1. Check that the list is in alphabetical order by surname of the first author (treat Mc and Mac alphabetically and literally, not as if they were all spelled ‘Mac’).


2. Names should be in initial cap then lower case.


3. Where several references have the same author(s), do not use ditto marks or em dashes; the name must be repeated each time.


4. Last Names containing de, van, von, De, Van, Von, de la, etc. should be alphabetized according to the language of origin.


5.  Names containing Jr or II should be listed as follows:


Author Last Name, Initials, and Jr. (year).


Author Last Name, Initials, and II (year).


6.  When ordering several works by the same first author:


Single-author references arranged in date order, the earliest first;

Single-author entries precede multiple-author entries beginning with the same surname

Two or more author references in alphabetical order according to the second author’s last name, or if the second author is the same, the last name of the third author, and so on

References with the same authors in the same order are arranged by year of publication, the earliest first:

Brown, J. (2003)


Brown, T. R., & Yates, P. (2003)


Brown, W. (2002)


Brown, W. (2003a)


Brown, W., Hughes, J., & Kent, T. (2003)


Brown, W., & Jones, M. (2003)


Brown, W., & Peters, P. (2002)


7.  Check that all periodical data are included – volume and page numbers (complete span, not shortened), publisher, place of publication, etc.


Only give the issue number in parentheses immediately after the volume number if each issue of a journal begins on page 1.


8.  The date of retrieval of online material is no longer required, only the URL; see example below.


9.  A word about publisher locations in book references: for all countries outside the US, the country as well as the city of publication should be supplied, e.g. ‘London, UK’, ‘Oxford, UK’, ‘Toronto, Canada’, etc. For the US, the state abbreviation should be included after the city, except when the name of the state is part of the publisher’s name, e.g. ‘New York, NY: Cambridge University Press’; ‘New York: State University of New York’; ‘Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press’.


10. Check journal for examples.


Reference Styles


Journal article


Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (year). Article title. Journal Name, vol no. (Issue no.), xx–xx.


Miller, A. J., Thomson, F., & Callagher, D. (1998). Affluence in suburbia. Suburbian Studies, 12(1), 9–12.



Author, A. A. (1994). Book title. Location: Publisher.

Miller, A. J., Thomson, F., & Callagher, D. (1998). Affluence in suburbia. London, UK: BL Books.


Chapter in book

Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (1994). Chapter title. In A. Editor, B. Editor, & C. Editor (Eds.), Book title (pp. xxx–xxx). Location: Publisher.


Miller, A. J., Thomson, F., & Callagher, D. (1998). Epping case study. In C. Carter (Ed.), Affluence in suburbia (pp. 200–250). London, UK: BL Books.



Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (1994).  Online article title. Online Journal, xx, xxx–xxx. Retrieved from http://xxxx.xxxx.xx.xx/xxxx/xxxxxx/


Miller, A. J., Thomson, F., & Callagher, D. (1998). Epping case study. Suburban studies, 12, 1–9. Retrieved from http://xxxx.xxxx.xx.xx/xxxx/xxxxxx/


Manuscript Style

Manuscripts submitted to the journal should be based on empirical or data-based, not review, studies and should not be under consideration by any other journal. Neither should it have been published in full or partial form in any other journal or full-length conference proceedings. Exceptions to this rule are conference presentations and books of abstracts. The letter accompanying the submission of a manuscript should contain a clear statement to this effect, i.e. the manuscript has not been published and is not under review by any other journals.

Submissions should be produced using a standard word processing program, such as MS Word. Figures or artwork should be supplied in a finished form, suitable for reproduction, as these cannot be redrawn by the journal. Footnotes/Endnotes should be avoided.

Please ensure that the files are saved as Word files. Any consistent spelling style is acceptable. Use double quotation and use single quotation marks within double if needed.


Typing: Manuscripts submitted for publication should be word processed and double-spaced throughout.

Length: The length should be 6000-9000 words, including references and appendices, with an abstract of 200-250 words and up to 6 key words. Manuscripts not observing this length will not be reviewed for publication.

Spacing and paragraphing: All paragraphs should be indented except those immediately following headings. All paragraphs should be justified and no additional, i.e. space after, is needed between paragraphs.

Titles: Titles and section headings should be clear and brief. A manuscript should strictly follow the section structure below:


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