Peer Review Process

All papers submitted to the Journal of Islamic Politics Research undergo the following steps,

The editor-in-chief decides if the paper’s subject is within the aims and scope of the journal and has observed the journal’s other guidelines.
Manuscripts are evaluated with double-blind peer review, in which both author and referee remain anonymous to each other. Each paper is reviewed by at least two specialists of the field. The peer-review occur pre-publication. The editor mediates all the interaction between the referee and author, peer reviews are not published, the process is facilitated by the journal, and reviews are owned by the journal. The peer-review process may take 3 to 7 weeks.
The corresponding author will be informed about the results via email. When revisions are needed, they will be given three weeks to revise their article and re-send it to the journal.
The editorial board makes the final decisions about articles.
Selected articles for an issue go through editing and page layout.
The final version of each article would be sent to its corresponding author, and they are asked to declare within 3 days if they observe any problems or mistakes in the file after editing and page layout.
Print and online versions of the journal are published simultaneously.